Accelerating the transition to net zero.

The law can — and must — enable a just and equitable transition.

Our mission

We grow and galvanise action through commitment, capacity building and commercial law services, as well as the systemic development of commercial law.
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The NZLA commitment is the gateway to the alliance. It consists of setting emissions reduction targets, providing pro-bono services, setting targets for capacity building, and aligning legal services with net zero.
Read the Commitment


Preparing lawyers to be part of the solution with member resources, workshops and meetings.
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Members participate in NZLA accelerator groups focused on identifying and addressing legal barriers to transition.
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member firms

The NZLA currently comprises over 35 member firms encompassing more than 100,000 lawyers
across 40+ jurisdictions.

Our members


UK/EU Competition 101

This presentation outlines the Net Zero Lawyers’ Alliance guide on navigating EU/UK competition law in the context of sustainability and climate agreements, highlighting the balance between antitrust regulations and fostering competitor collaboration on environmental initiatives.
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Member blog: The Need to Integrate Externalities, Market Failures, and Collective Action Problems in Antitrust Analysis

Thoughts on the US House Judiciary Committee Report on ESG Investigation and the Rebuttal Report
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NZLA Symposium - Transition to Survive and Thrive

NZLA Symposium 21 June 2024 Afternoon Session Panel Discussions Video Recording & Presentation
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"The Net Zero Lawyers Alliance will accelerate the Race to Zero and facilitate systemic change in law and legal practice to help deliver a zero-carbon world in time."

Nigel Topping


UN High Level Climate Champion for COP26

"It's fantastic to see the Net Zero Lawyers Alliance bring commercial lawyers into the collective effort to support businesses and financial institutions transition to net zero. Collaboration between lawyers and financial sector members of the Glasgow Financial Alliance for Net Zero will be an important part of building a financial system for net zero ahead of COP26."

Mark Carney


Chair, Glasgow Financial Alliance for Net Zero (GFANZ), UN Special Envoy on Climate Action and Finance Adviser to the Prime Minister for COP26

“I’ve seen some great announcements... we’ve seen at the climate week the launch of the Net Zero Lawyers Alliance, and this of course includes the likes of DLA Piper and Clifford Chance.”

The Rt Hon Alok Sharma


MP, COP 26 President

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